Το ξένοιαστο Μελίσσι

Staff Confidentiality Policy

Staff Confidentiality Policy

The company ΤΟ ΞΕΓΝΟΙΑΣΤΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΙ ΕΠΕ has the obligation to protect the personal data of its campers, as well as any other person for whom it processes information, and to preserve the privacy of communications to the extent that this depends on its information systems.

This form defines the way in which the Company and its staff achieve compliance with these obligations.

The object of the policy of confidentiality-confidentiality of the personnel of the company ΤΟ ΞΕΓΝΟΙΑΣΤΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΙ ΕΠΕ is:

  • Any opinion, information, assessment or advice, whether official or unofficial, which will be given to the employee by the company ΤΟ ΞΕΓΝΟΙΑΣΤΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΙ ΕΠΕ in relation to the exercise of his duties and concerning personal data are confidential and the employee is obliged not to disclose them to third parties without the prior written consent of the company, unless the announcement is considered and agreed to be necessary for the proper and effective implementation of compliance,
  • The company ΤΟ ΞΕΓΝΟΙΑΣΤΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΙ ΕΠΕ owns the copyright of all printed material that will be delivered to the employee and only the company has the right to edit it in any case
  • The employee undertakes not to process, distribute and make available to third parties the printed material that will be delivered to him for each use.
  • The employee undertakes not to take and post photos or videos containing personal data of the campers in any electronic or other printed medium.

This policy is mandatory and is an integral part of the System for the Protection and Processing of Personal Data that is applied and all those who work at the company ΤΟ ΞΕΓΝΟΙΑΣΤΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΙ ΕΠΕ have the obligation to observe and adopt it.